Monday, August 11, 2014

11 August 2014

This week has been a busy one! We had our interviews with President Jordan on Tuesday in Cambridge. It was our last formal interviews until our departing interviews the day we go home. That was super weird, and hasnt really sunk in yet anyway. But it was really good, he trained us on letting the Holy Ghost be the teacher and Sister Jordan taught about being a consecrated missionary. I always leave meetings with them renewed in my desire to get out and do work. It was great. At the end of the meeting, a missionary that finished his mission after my first transfer showed up because he was visiting. It is so weird to see people you know from the mission that have since gone home as normal people when you are still a missionary.

Which leads to the next story. Sister Emily King from Australia, who was STL last year (but never my STL, sadly) has been in Ipswich for the week, and we have been with her every day for the last 4, and have things scheduled with her the next 2 days. It is so fun having her! She is still a rock star, even though she went home like 8 months ago. She has been teaching with us, and it is just really fun to be with her and talk about how adjusting to home was and stuff. 

Remember the guy I said we had a lesson with last Monday? The one that initially wasn't interested? Well now he has a baptismal date and he came to church yesterday! So great. He is really doing well. And so are Barry and Eliza, the two investigators that are getting baptised this Saturday! Barry is 71 and Eliza is 82, so it is going to be a real treat figuring out logistics of getting them under the water. They are both amazing, pray for them!

Today we went to this beach town called Felixstowe with Barry's wife, Carolyn. It was fun, although it was pretty much us looking around! We played mini golf, and although I was probably the most skilled golfer there, I got last place. Of course. 

President wrote something in his email to us this week that really hit home. He was talking about a returned missionary that found a new investigator for the sisters in an area, and he said, "She didn't just go through her mission, her mission went through her." I love that! I hope the same can be said of me. I love my mission, and I hope it has changed me for the better!

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