Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm 7 months old today! The time is going way too quickly. I really don't like how fast it goes. Still crossing my fingers that they will announce that sisters can serve for 2 years. This week has been a great one, full of miracles. Let me tell you about two.
On Thursday night, we were on the bus on our way home from English class at the chapel. The elders got off a few stops before us where they live, and a couple came back and sat by us. We commented on their costumes and started talking with them, and the guy is like, "She's a member of your church, you know" and she says " I used to be ". So we discover that she got baptised but stopped going because she was the only member in her family and the church was too family oriented to go at alone, from her perspective. But this guy is her fiancé and she wanted to take him to a testimony meeting and stuff and we had a nice little lesson with them on the bus and it was way cool! They didn't end up coming to church but we are still hoping to teach them.
Second miracle: We were out walking somewhere we needed to go and street contacting along the way, and we got to this street we needed to cross and there was a guy on the other side about to cross our way, but I rushed across the road and caught him before he started into the street and we talked to him and set an appointment. We took Nigel, our recent convert, to the lesson and it was amazing! This guy was so prepared. He said he had been approached by so many religious people before and had ignored them, but when we stopped him we were kind of the straw that broke the camels back. He knew it was God trying to tell him something. And he has been wanting to increase his relationship with God for a while now. People: God knows His children!!! Never forget that. He knows each one of you individually and personally and wants to help you with what you want and need! This guy is named William. He came to church yesterday and accepted the Sunday school teacher's challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days. Solid.
So on Thursday it was Halloween. And Nevada Day. And Sister Belnap's birthday. We had zone meeting, thank goodness, and so we turned it into a big ol' party! After the meeting, Sister Diaz and I did a lunch for the sisters in our zone because it was also Sister Steele's birthday this week. It was really a lot of fun! There have been fireworks all weekend for Guy Fawkes day this week, so that has also been pretty fun.
Just a quick announcement, not that anyone will, but if you would like to send me a package for Christmas, it needs to be addressed to the mission office and say Christmas somewhere on it, because if I open a Christmas present before I'm supposed to, the wrath of Sister Jordan will be incurred. Ok, that's about all I've go for you all. Have a wonderful week! Oh, and don't forget next week is my transfers week so I won't be emailing until Tuesday!

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