So, my fate for the next 6 weeks (or something):
I'm moving one area over. I'll be in the same zone. But I'll be in Whitechapel, which basically covers half of central London. I'm going to be with Sister Hymas in a super posh flat that is meant for 4 sisters but currently just houses us. AND IM SISTER TRAINING LEADER AND IM SCARED OUT OF MY MIND. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I love Sister Hymas and she has been doing this for a transfer already, so I'm just gonna go with whatever she tells me to do. So my new ward is full of Africans, which I'm sure you can guess I'm extremely excited about.
OH and I'm STL over the Northampton zone, so I get to go back to Bedford for an exchange. WOOHOO! I'm really excited.
My Christmas has been so fun! I LOVED all the stuff you sent me for Christmas, now the question is how I'm gonna get it to my new flat.
For Christmas, we just watched a million movies as a district. Namely: Despicable Me 2 (I LOVED IT), Monsters University, The Muppets, Wreck it Ralph, The Sound of Music, and like half of Brave. I don't know how I did this all the time at home, because I feel like such a waster. We watched half the movies at the chapel, and a few at the Gants. I was talking to Sister Gant, and apparently her cousin is the girl that married Shawn Hilton, so .....small world.
We just got done with Sound of Music, and I'm glad to have introduced my district to a classic. I'm sad to be leaving, because I like London North, but I know I'm going to adore Whitechapel, and I'm so happy I get to stay in London, and I'm over the moon happy that I get to be with Sister Hymas. Apparently she's known for like a week and couldnt tell me, so that's funny. I don't know if you guys remember, but she is my roommate from the MTC. Thats my 4th companion from my MTC group.
So tomorrow morning, I'm going to my first MLC. I'm gonna make cookies for everyone there. I know, such a suck up.
Hooray for Amanda! Doesn't it make you happy that she is so happy!!!