Tuesday, May 28, 2013

This is just a random one of us by the river. Words cannot express how much I LOVE SISTER WEBSTER.

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Oops, we're already here.

This is me and Sister Wuthrich, the other sister in President's choir.

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Bowling! Sister Davis, Elder Klobcic, Elder Allred, Sister Karyan, Sister Webster, Elder Paul, Elder Dickey.

This is Maria! We will miss her so much!

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This is Sister Jones, my new companion. This was from the MTC. She is great!

This is our district! Elder Dickey (who is staying and training in Huntingdon), Elder Green (going somewhere else I can't remember), Sister Webster and I, Elder Larson our District Leader (being moved to St Albans to be zone leader), and Elder Allred (staying and being follow up trained)

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Just Another Manic....Tuesday. 28 May 2013

Hiya, you alright?

That's how English people say what's up. I'm really working on my English vocabulary because they just say things so much better over here. I love it.

So the last week of my first transfer has come to a close. Puke. That six weeks went WAY too fast. But the end of the transfer meant another first: my first moves calls. So the President figures out where he wants everyone to go, then he calls all the zone leaders and tells them the specifics for the members of their zone, then the zone leaders call us and put us on a conference call and announce it all. But if you are doing anything drastically different, President calls you beforehand. So we were walking out of a dinner appointment last night at like 8:30 when the phone rings and guess who it was? President Jordan. And then he told us what was up. Would you like to know? Drumroll please....................................

I'm staying in Bedford. WOOHOO! Except less of a woohoo because Sister Webster is not. She is moving to St. Albans for her last transfer with Sister Finch. I'm reeeeaaaallly bummed because I really wanted to be the one to kill her off. So if Sister Webster is leaving who does that leave me with, you ask? Great question. Sister Jones from my MTC group will be coming to Bedford and we're gonna follow up train each other. Yikes. I love Sister Jones, she is great. This means I'll be the one that has to know where we are going and I'm not too great at directions. That's ok, I've got a map.

So the rest of my week is lookin like this: I'll be in London tomorrow to switch companions and go to a training meeting so Sister Jones and I can figure out how the heck we are supposed to do this. Then Friday night we havea performance at a fireside at the Hyde Park chapel. So I'm all up in London. Again. It's gonna be great!

So one reason I'm excited to stay in Bedford is this new investigator we have named Patrick. So we got a media referral this week, like a guy put his info into mormon.org. So we went out to have a lesson with him and he is AWESOME. Most prepared person ever. We taught him the Restoration, he accepted a Book of Mormon without hesitation, and we set a baptismal date. All in the first lesson! And immediately after the lesson he was asking when he could go on a mission and how he could start a branch in Cranfield! He came to church and looked like he was already a member. I'm excited to see where things go with him.

That's about all I've got for you all this week. Remember on the "Write me" page how it says only email if it is urgent? Disregard that. Email me whatever you want. But don't make it a novel. Also, I like pictures.

Ok, love you all! Cheerio!

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Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20th Picture Post!

I'm baaaaaack. 20 May 2013

Did ya miss me?

I've been extremely busy these past two weeks, and last Monday I didn't get a chance to email because I was in London all day. And then again on Wednesday. And then again on Friday. Sound like I've been in London a lot? Because I have. Let me explain...

So I guess in my letter to President Jordan before I came, I mentioned my music and gave him my soundcloud url, and then I forgot about it. So I get here, and like 4 elders were like, "Sister Jordan showed us your music, it's really good!" And I was like oh brother how embarrassing, why did I do that. But anyway, there's a musical group in the mission that does firesides and sometimes goes busking in the city, and President asked me if I'd be interested in joining so of course I was like heck yeah! So Monday, we had rehearsal at President's flat, and it was super fun! We had a fireside on Friday night, so that's why I went on Friday. On Wednesday we performed at Zone Conference, and then of course we were there for zone conference all day anyway. So that's the story about that. I'm pretty pumped about it! But it also means that I have to sell my soul to travel to London all the time. Expensive.

BUUUUT last Monday when we went, we got there a little early, so we went to Abbey Road and Big Ben! It was epic! Yes, we took a crosswalk picture. Didn't turn out great because it's an actual road with actual traffic. But still cool. The previous Wednesday, the 8th, we were in London for a new missionary meeting, where they basically were checking up on us to make sure we were doing ok and our trainers were doing ok, but we got there early for that and went to Trafalgar Square! Another cool thing (especially since that's where the last HP premiere was.)

It's been a great few weeks though! Sorry I don't have much more to say about it, I'm bad at remembering details. And I don't have too much time, I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves.

In other news, congrats Noelle on getting engaged! And Carmina on being pregnant! And Austrie on coming home! Hey Aus, will you check your mission email because that's what I'm replying to you on, so just check that and let me know your real person email haha.

Next week is moves, so our PDay will be on Tuesday, so I won't be writing until then.  Peace and blessings!                                                                                                         

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Friends and Fellow Sisters

These three ladies in the picture with me (sorry guys, it's the only one I could find of just the four of us) are some of my very closest friends and I love them dearly. They have made the decision to serve missions also, and I'm so excited to be in the field with them and hear about their successes.

Shannon (Harry Potter) is going to Everett, Washington and leaves here in a couple days.

Natalie (the tall one) doesn't have her call at the time I'm writing this, so she probably hasn't left yet.

Alexa turns 19 in June, so as of right now she hasn't started her papers.

I love you girls, and I'm so proud of you. Good luck in a few days, Shannon, you will be amazing! And good luck Natalie and Alexa whenever you guys report.

Alma 17:13 - "...They separated themselves and departed one from another, trusting in the Lord that they should meet again at the close of their harvest; for they supposed that great was the work which they had undertaken."

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

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Gladys, a member from Ghana, and her daughters. She feeds us good!

Sister Webster and I decorated each others planners.

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Just Another Day in Paradise- May 7, 2013

Greetings loved ones, let's take a journey.

It has been another great week here in Bedford! Last Tuesday I got a letter from my mom in which she copy and pasted all the FB wall posts I got for my birthday, so thanks so much to everyone that wished me a happy birthday! I also got a lot of mail from the office haha so special shout outs to Chris Anderson, Sister Hoffman, Chelsea Olige, and Aunt Sandy. And a SUPER special shout out to the BOLTON FAMILY! Oh my goodness I love you guys, thanks so much for the package! You all will be receiving letters in reply, but it might be a bit haha because I can't write them until next Monday.

Anyway, it's been a fun filled week. On Thursday we had zone meeting, so we had to go to Northampton and met up with our zone. We've got some cool folks serving around us! And Sister Davis, one of my MTC buddies, is serving in Northampton. She's also from Las Vegas! So needless to say we get along great. Zone meeting was fun, just because we got to see everyone and stuff. Some people were late, so we were on the computers in the FHC and we all ended up mormon.org stalking haha. That's what you do when you can't use Facebook. So I typed in Logandale, NV and I only saw Bryce, Austrie, and Taylor Davis. Long story short, more people from Moapa Valley need to make mormon.org profiles so I can show you off to my companions and zone.

On Friday, Sister King (a sister that served here for 7 months but is now in the Hayes area)'s parents came to see all the people she knew here and stuff, so we spent all day with them. They came to our teaching appointments with us and we went around trying to see people Sister King knows. One recent convert, Sammy, works at Boots, so we went to Boots and were talking with him and a lady approached me and started asking me questions like I worked there and I was like uuuuuuhhhhh yeah I don't work here. It was pretty funny. They even bought us lunch at Nando's! They are great people, from Australia! So Mady Messer, listen up. They were talking about their daughter who is in this mission, and her mom said, "Sister King is such a huge fan of Delta Goodrem. Ever heard of her?" and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" hahahahaha. But apparently she's a really nice person, so I guess I'll forgive her for temporarily ruining my hopes and dreams.

So on Saturday, we got a mormon.org referral from this town nearby called Ampthill. Sister Webster had never been there, and neither had I obviously, so we went out there and discovered that it is super cute! It is really hilly and just a very quaint countryside village. So we decided we need to baptize some people out there so we can have members there to go visit haha.

Earlier in the week, we approached this guy on the street named Gabriel. Turns out he's from Nigeria (we have a few Nigerian members in the ward) and we set up a meeting on Saturday. So we met with him Saturday, gave him a Book of Mormon and explained the Restoration and invited him to church. So he came to church with us Sunday morning. It was fast and testimony meeting. Halfway throught the meeting he leans over to Sis Webster and asks if he can go up. She briefly explained how it's done and then he went up. THIS GUY HAS HAD ONE LESSON! I was simultaneously giddy and terrified that he'd say something crazy haha. But it was a good testimony, just about how he believes in God and knows that coming to church with us was the right choice. So that was really cool. He is a great guy.

Yesterday for our Pday we went to Northampton again for Sister Davis's birhtday! We just had lunch and looked around the shops and stuff, nothing too exciting. Getting there and back was pretty exciting though.

The weather here has been GORGEOUS. Like, pretty much the whole time I've been here, but in the past few days it has been like the best thing ever. Not too hot and not cold at all. It's always sunny and sometimes there's a slight breeze. It's the best. So no need to worry about me in that respect haha.

Anyway, thanks everyone for reading my random ramblings! I know I'm where I need to be, doing what I need to do. The work is hastening and it's exciting to be a part of it!

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